Thursday, April 29, 2010

and the irony of it is that
he is sad because he has taken faith
in the new spirituality
where he has put himself at the heart of the
and trading in some jewish, muslim, calvinistic
worn of spooky Catholic old jehovah he has
whistled and has made a new God
who runs by names of source
and spirit and anything else
vague enough to make us sitters in the old
regime wonder
and so the creed runs that
the lord if my djinni and this that i
want i deserve
and by a whole hundred other witchcrafts
and the positiveness of all my thinking
i will be drinking in all those gifts
and your bible comes to build up self esteem
ah, but don't be mean
the truth is this is one thing you never needed help in
and in the new spirituality
you have everything because its all about you
and the new--here's the thing about it--
is just the same old silly things dressed up
and cooked up and put on a plate
for the foolish
and ghoulishly dressed and decorated
for the greedy

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