Monday, August 10, 2009

i will resist your urge to own me
i still resent your attempt to slip a ring
on my finger while i was fucking you
there is a certain selfishness a
church and a state get together to
and you want to have it all
even though you will give nothing
you are not the first
you are not the first who suffered from
a lack of imagination who tried to
bring the sanitation department to
his mind
to make clean the thought of making
someone else what you wanted him to be
and when i saw that
it was the moment you couldn't have me
why did you have to corrupt self given pleasure
with the desire to have it all
why did you have to try to ruin the aphrodite
in me
and now you can't get around me
shaking her head she says
all you need is lust
let lust burn you

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