Wednesday, February 9, 2011

i'm too stupid to let go
let me find release
you have always been our answer
in you i find my peace
in love you are love
in light delight
place your hand upon me
give me sight
there is the darkness
in the darkness
in the dimness of the dead end
and the only monster in that labyrinth
is the one i make
and you are the love,
the ariadne
the string
the sex on naxos

see me here, nude as birth
lustful as a boy
confused as any child on the brink
everytime i think i've figured it out
here it goes again
and it is life
and it is the movement of the earth
and it is the mother
the father, the following
of the day upon the night
the admission that three fourths
nine tenths of the world exist beyond my sight

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